Product-led sales starts here

Help your GTM teams convert more free trials and expand accounts with ease by giving them visibility into product usage


We’re in the new age of B2B buying. The buying process isn’t linear anymore. Buyers are well-informed, thanks to all the information that’s available online. 33% of all buyers want a “rep-free” experience and only engage with sales teams when they’re ready to buy. Traditional sales tools make it very difficult to determine whether a user is ready to buy. To help your salespeople reach out with the right message at the right time, you need an interface that provides a 360-degree view of your customers.

Now, why do you need another interface?

Your sales reps need to manage different tools(CRM, Billing tools, Product usage etc) to get insights to help your users whenever they need them. It is hard, time-consuming, and less productive (only 36% of sales reps' time is spent selling). This is where Product-Led Sales tools can help you track your trial users' behavior, segment them, collect data, set up workflows and get automatic signals when they're ready to buy. Now you can engage with the right leads, at the right time, with the message that’s relevant to them.

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Our core feature

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Segment the buckets

Set individual criteria for your ideal clients, and let the system discover them within your trial users. Now you and your team’s efforts will be solely focused on the “buckets” with prospects that can generate revenue for the business.

Activation & Engagement

Learn to use collected data from all resources to identify on what stage of the funnel is your prospect. RevenueHero’s automated system will inform you WHO do you need to focus on today to get the sale, WHAT they’re interested in, and WHEN they’re ready to buy.


Convert in real time

When the user becomes active, engaged, and ready for purchase - RevenueHero tracks user behavior and sends instant signals that help your sales and marketing team act immediately, without delayReply


RevenueHero integrates seamlessly with all the tools in your GTM Stack. No coding required.

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